Avoid the Supposed “Miracles” and “Locutions” of Akita, Japan

Catholic Candle note: The article below pertains to the supposed “miracles” and events at Akita, Japan in the 1970s.  These are unconnected with the true (pre-Vatican II) Marian miracles approved by the Catholic Church, which occurred at Quito, Ecuador.

We should avoid anything connected with the supposed “miracles” which are claimed to have occurred at a novus ordo convent in Akita, Japan, during the 1970s.  These supposed “miracles”  include a statue which dripped “tears” and “blood” and also some supposed supernatural “locutions”.

We hold that there are good reasons to consider that these supposed “locutions” and “miracles” are false.  Further, all of the Akita events are well within the power and abilities of Satan.

1.    These events were centered on a naturalistic statue carved by a non-Catholic man.  See the picture below.  This statue is an unfitting subject of anything which is really connected to God and His Mother!

2.    Notice that the supposed “Blessed Virgin” is not standing at the foot of the Cross of her Son, as Catholic Tradition depicts her.  Instead, she is in front of, and is blocking, the sight of the cross and of her Son.

Featured Image

3.    The supposed “miracles and locutions” did not bring the “seer” to Catholic Tradition.  The “seer” and the other novus ordo nuns stayed in the evil new conciliar church.  Nor have we any indication that anyone else has come to Catholic Tradition through these events at Akita.

4.    The supposed “visits” of this “apparition” were so many – 101 of them! – compared to the relatively small number of apparitions which occurred in authentic, approved apparitions.

5.    The supposed “locutions” contained a generic request from the supposedly “heavenly” personage to pray for the pope.  But there was absolutely nothing about the pope and hierarchy being utterly unfaithful stewards of Christ.  We don’t believe that a real locution from Heaven would avoid warning about and commenting on the worst popes in history!

6.    There was no condemnation of Vatican II or the new mass or the other conciliar evils that are afflicting the Church’s human element.  We don’t believe that the worst and most destructive events in at least 500 years (if not in the whole history of the Church) would pass in silence, especially when the supposed “seer” is part of that new church.

7.    Saburo Wakasa, the man who carved the statue, was not only non-Catholic when he carved the statue but he remained a non-Catholic.

Conclusion: Stay away from the Akita events which are likely from Satan!

Catholic Candle postscript: about the “new” liberal SSPX and Bishop Williamson’s Group:

The “new” SSPX promotes these “wonders” (which are likely from Satan) and leads an annual “pilgrimage” to Akita for its undiscerning followers.[1] 

The liberalizing Bishop Williamson Group likewise endorses these likely-demonic “wonders”.[2] 

These liberal groups’ promotion of these apparently-false conciliar “wonders” is a good reminder that we should stay far away from these compromise groups.

[2]           Read, e.g., Bishop Williamson Eleison Comments #559 (March 31, 2018), #486 (November 5, 2016), and #349 (March 22, 2014).     

Avoid the False “Divine Mercy” Devotion

Catholic Candle note: The article below is a warning against a false, conciliar, counterfeit devotion concerning God’s mercy.



Catholics should stay away from the so-called “Divine Mercy” devotion and stick to the traditional Catholic devotions, especially the devotion to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The “Divine Mercy” devotion sprang out of supposed apparitions to Sister Faustina in Poland.  She is a supposed conciliar “saint”.  Pope John Paul II, of course, was Polish and loved “all things” Polish.  He “canonized” her.  He encouraged devotion to Sister Faustina, her supposed visions, and this devotion. 


Before Vatican II, the Holy Office quelled the so-called “Divine Mercy” devotion.  The Congregation of the Holy Office, in a plenary meeting held on November 19, 1958, declared the following:

·         The supernatural nature of the revelations made to Sister Faustina is not evident.

·         No feast of Divine Mercy is to be instituted.


·         It is forbidden to divulge images and writings that propagate this devotion under the form received by Sister Faustina.

Sister Faustina’s diary was also placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, or List of Prohibited Books by Pope Pius XII.  The diary was never removed from the List, but the list was completely abolished by the Modernist Pope Paul VI.

There was also a second decree, on March 6, 1959, in which of the Holy Office decreed the following:

·         The diffusion of images and writings promoting the devotion to Divine Mercy under the form proposed by the same Sister Faustina is forbidden.

·         The prudence of the bishops is to judge as to the removal of the aforesaid images that are already displayed for public honor.


Pope Paul VI lifted these prohibitions and restrictions on April 15, 1978 and Pope John Paul II introduced a “feast” of Divine Mercy into the novus ordo mass’s calendar.  These actions are part of the conciliar pattern of overturning the pre-Vatican II safeguards of the Faith.


There are many things in the writings of Sr. Faustina which would scandalize an informed Catholic.  For example, Sr. Faustina claimed that “Our Lord” declared that “He” is uniting “Himself” more closely with her than anyone else, including “His” own Mother.  Here are the words of this supposed apparition to Sr. Faustina:


I am uniting Myself with you so intimately as with no other creature.[1]


How different from these words are Our Lord’s words to a real saint, St. Catherine of Sienna!  Our Lord told St. Catherine:


Do you know, daughter, who you are, who I am?  If you know these two things, you will be blessed.  You are she who is not; whereas I am He who is.[2]


There are many other evils in the supposed words of “Our Lord” to Sr. Faustina.  But for the present article, let this quote (above) suffice for a warning against the supposed “revelations” to Sr. Faustina.


The real image of God’s mercy is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, crowned with thorns, dripping with His Precious Blood.  The Sacred Heart calls for a devotion of reparation, as the Church had continually promoted before Vatican II. However, this is not true with the “Divine Mercy” devotion.


The picture that accompanies this false “Divine Mercy” devotion is an image of “Our Lord” with rays coming from “His Heart” but “He” has no heart.  It is a Sacred Heart without a heart, without reparation, without the price of our sins being shown. This points toward this devotion being a satanic counterfeit of the Real devotion to the Sacred Heart.


In the “Divine Mercy” devotion, there is an absence of the need for reparation for sins.  For example, there is a claim that all the temporal punishment for sin will be removed for persons who observe the 3:00 p.m. Low Sunday devotions. How could such a devotion be more powerful and better than a plenary indulgence?  How could it not require as a condition that we perform a penitential work of our own?  How could it not require the detachment from even venial sin that is necessary to obtain a plenary indulgence?


The “Divine Mercy” devotion seems to place so much emphasis on God’s mercy as to exclude His justice.  Our sins, and the enormity of their offensiveness to God, is pushed aside as being unimportant.  That is why the aspect of reparation for sin is omitted or obscured.  The “Divine Mercy” seems to be the sort of presumption on God’s mercy which is described by Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Catholic Church:


Let him who does all that he can, rely firmly upon the mercy of God.  But for him who does not do all that lies within his power, to rely upon the mercy of God would be simple presumption.[3]


Although God is truly all-merciful, nonetheless, this devotion seems like a devotion NOT suited to our time.  Presently, most people seem more inclined to presume upon God’s mercy than to despair of God’s mercy.  People today have less need to be convinced that God will accept them back as prodigal sons and have more need to be convinced they should “work out their salvation in fear and trembling”,[4] as St. Paul teaches.  No doubt some people need to focus on the fact that it is not too late to repent.  But it would seem this is not most people’s problem and that this supposed “Divine Mercy” devotion is especially contrary to what we need in our time.


The chaplet of Divine Mercy contains orthodox prayers.  However, the evil is that it is the chaplet of this false vision and “Divine Mercy” devotion.  If a person thinks that he received spiritual benefit in connection with his use of the “Divine Mercy” devotion, that merely shows that God can draw a person to Himself in any circumstances.  If a person got an inspiration while attending the novus ordo mass or a protestant service, that does not indicate that those evil services are in themselves good or a source of any good.  The same is true of the “Divine Mercy” devotion.


Lastly, the “new” SSPX now promotes this false conciliar devotion in a low-key way.




[1]           Quoted from Divine Mercy in My Soul, The Diary of Sr. Faustina, Stockbridge, MA, Marian Press, ©1987, p. 288 (emphasis added).


[2]           The Life of St. Catherine of Sienna, by Blessed Raymond of Capua (St. Catherine of Sienna’s confessor), © 1960 by Harvill Press and P. J. Kennedy & Sons, republished by TAN Books (c) 2011, Part 1 ch. 10.


[3]           The Four Last Things, by Fr. Martin Von Cochem, quoting Pope St. Gregory the Great – Tan Books and Publishers, Inc. Rockford, Illinois ©1987, Part 4, ch. 4, page 219.

[4]           “Wherefore, my dearly beloved, (as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but much more now in my absence,) with fear and trembling work out your salvation.”  Philippians, 2:12.

Why did Rome beatify and canonize the evil-doers?

Rome had (and has) a problem after the Second Vatican Council.  How do you give credence to – and make believable – the anti-Catholic results of the Council?  Well, the Masons and the Church leaders in Rome decided that if the popes at the time of and after the Council (1962-l965) were beatified/canonized, it would go a long way to convince gullible Catholics that the Council results were good and holy.

It worked, because most Catholics now believe and accept the following evils of the Council (whether those Catholics have ever heard of Vatican II or not):

1.    The replacement of the Tridentine Mass with an anti-Catholic service (i.e., the Novus Ordo mass) that does not give grace.  Without grace, you lose the Faith.  The Blessed Mother stated at La Salette, France, on Sept. 19, 1846, that “Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the anti-Christ.”

2.    Religious liberty (i.e., you can choose any faith and be saved).

3.    Universal salvation (i.e., everyone will go to heaven).

4.    The adulterating of the Catholic Sacraments to have them more in line with Protestant false “sacraments”.

5.    “Catholic divorce” – annulments for false or doubtful reasons.


6.    Maintaining that the Council was necessary to update the Catholic Faith to make it more relevant in the modern age.  (If you believe that was necessary, you have already lost the Faith – because the Faith does not change.)


7.    The establishment of a new anti-Catholic conciliar church to replace the Roman Catholic Church.


8.    Rome also had to make many changes in the beatification/canonization process in order to make it fit the less-than-saintly lives of the popes involved in and after the Council.  The following disastrous changes were made:


a.    Reduced the number of miracles required,

b.    Shortened the time before declaring the heroic level of virtue,

c.     Allowed the beatification and canonization processes to be influenced by popular emotions and public opinion,


d.    Gave diocesan bishops the right to instruct the trial and to judge.  Therefore, since bishops are making the determination on the canonizations, these decentralized decisions are less consistent, lack the quality control and uniformity of the Vatican’s prior decisions.

e.    Accepted lower standards of life unworthy of canonized saints – many of these conciliar “saints” are so far from heroic sanctity that in many cases there is not even reasonable assurance that such “saints” even died in the state of grace.


f.     Eliminated the Devil’s Advocate (who is similar to a prosecutor and is the one who challenges the evidence), thus changing the canonization proceedings into an academic process rather than a courtroom-style procedure.


g.    Accepted doubtful “miracles” without serious investigation.

These changes give Catholics a great uncertainty they did not have in the past, and cause much doubt concerning the beatifications and canonizations after Vatican Council II, now and in the future.   

The following popes were involved in the conciliar church, during and after the Council, and their causes for beatification/canonization were or will be moving through the process.

  “St.” John XXIII, who initiated the Council and agreed with and promoted the anti-Catholic changes.

  “St.” Paul VI, who agreed with and fostered all of the anti-Catholic changes.

  “St.” John Paul II, who also agreed with the changes of the Council and enacted additional anti-Catholic changes.

  Former Pope Benedict XVI, who agreed with the changes but was so pressured that he chose to abdicate the papacy in order to make room for a more liberal pope (i.e. Pope Francis), who will increase the number of heresies to be accepted.   I believe Benedict will be beatified and canonized in due time for his efforts to promote the evils of the Council.[1]

  As for Pope Francis, the conciliar church is already talking about the need to beatify and canonize him.[2]

As stated above, the plan is to make the anti-Catholic Council seem holy, accepted, and believable by beatifying and canonizing all the popes involved in it or promoting it, during or after.  Who would have believed 60 years ago that the human element of the Catholic Church would be so completely destroyed?  Believe it also because the Blessed Virgin foretold this at La Salette. 

Have faith!  An all-powerful God is in charge, so all is not lost!  We must pray and do penance following Our Lady’s request at Fatima.  The human element of the Catholic Church will come back strong and holy. 

God will raise up uncompromising Traditional Catholic leaders from among unworthy men, just as He is able to raise up sons of Abraham from the stones on the banks of the Jordan River.[3]

[1]           In connection with Pope Paul VI’s supposed “canonization”, and in an apparent joke masking an underlying truth, Pope Francis quipped, “As for Benedict XVI and myself, we’re on the waiting list” for sainthood.  https://news.abs-cbn.com/overseas/02/18/18/pope-says-hes-on-sainthood-waiting-list



[2]           See, e.g., Pope Francis documentary: A film that could buttress the case for sainthood, found here: https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/film/pope-francis-documentary-a-film-that-could-buttress-the-case-for-sainthood-1.3582228


[3]           On the banks of the Jordan River, St. John the Baptist declared to the Jews:


Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of penance; and do not begin to say, “We have Abraham for our father”.  For I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.


St. Luke’s Gospel, 3:8 (emphasis added).