Avoid the Supposed “Miracles” and “Locutions” of Akita, Japan

Catholic Candle note: The article below pertains to the supposed “miracles” and events at Akita, Japan in the 1970s.  These are unconnected with the true (pre-Vatican II) Marian miracles approved by the Catholic Church, which occurred at Quito, Ecuador.

We should avoid anything connected with the supposed “miracles” which are claimed to have occurred at a novus ordo convent in Akita, Japan, during the 1970s.  These supposed “miracles”  include a statue which dripped “tears” and “blood” and also some supposed supernatural “locutions”.

We hold that there are good reasons to consider that these supposed “locutions” and “miracles” are false.  Further, all of the Akita events are well within the power and abilities of Satan.

1.    These events were centered on a naturalistic statue carved by a non-Catholic man.  See the picture below.  This statue is an unfitting subject of anything which is really connected to God and His Mother!

2.    Notice that the supposed “Blessed Virgin” is not standing at the foot of the Cross of her Son, as Catholic Tradition depicts her.  Instead, she is in front of, and is blocking, the sight of the cross and of her Son.

Featured Image

3.    The supposed “miracles and locutions” did not bring the “seer” to Catholic Tradition.  The “seer” and the other novus ordo nuns stayed in the evil new conciliar church.  Nor have we any indication that anyone else has come to Catholic Tradition through these events at Akita.

4.    The supposed “visits” of this “apparition” were so many – 101 of them! – compared to the relatively small number of apparitions which occurred in authentic, approved apparitions.

5.    The supposed “locutions” contained a generic request from the supposedly “heavenly” personage to pray for the pope.  But there was absolutely nothing about the pope and hierarchy being utterly unfaithful stewards of Christ.  We don’t believe that a real locution from Heaven would avoid warning about and commenting on the worst popes in history!

6.    There was no condemnation of Vatican II or the new mass or the other conciliar evils that are afflicting the Church’s human element.  We don’t believe that the worst and most destructive events in at least 500 years (if not in the whole history of the Church) would pass in silence, especially when the supposed “seer” is part of that new church.

7.    Saburo Wakasa, the man who carved the statue, was not only non-Catholic when he carved the statue but he remained a non-Catholic.

Conclusion: Stay away from the Akita events which are likely from Satan!

Catholic Candle postscript: about the “new” liberal SSPX and Bishop Williamson’s Group:

The “new” SSPX promotes these “wonders” (which are likely from Satan) and leads an annual “pilgrimage” to Akita for its undiscerning followers.[1] 

The liberalizing Bishop Williamson Group likewise endorses these likely-demonic “wonders”.[2] 

These liberal groups’ promotion of these apparently-false conciliar “wonders” is a good reminder that we should stay far away from these compromise groups.

[2]           Read, e.g., Bishop Williamson Eleison Comments #559 (March 31, 2018), #486 (November 5, 2016), and #349 (March 22, 2014).