God created you to be happy with Him in Heaven and at this time, because He wants you to be soldiers of Christ the King for His greater glory and your greater merit. When the Faith is under attack, as now, the soldiers must study the Faith and practice it openly, uncompromised. You certainly will get the necessary graces to fulfill your duties as a soldier of Christ.
As stated above, God created you for Heaven and will help you toward that goal every day in so many ways. Yes, those crosses He sends you are blessings that always help you on that heavenly journey. God knows just what you need. He can read your heart in order to send you crosses that are helpful and goal-oriented. So, thank God for those helpful crosses. You’ll understand just how helpful they are years after you receive them.
God made you for Heaven and is not trying to confuse you. He is constantly helping you and the crosses He sends are for your good. He helps in more ways than you can understand or realize. For your part, you must cooperate completely in every way possible.
It is possible God will be harsh with a sinner to wake him up in order to “jolt” him into leaving his life of sin. He always acts in the best interests of His friends. In general, the crosses He sends you are to put you on a better track toward heaven. Also, God strengthens your will to resist evil because the devil wants you in hell and will not stop tempting you as long as you live.
To get to heaven we must become saints. Just “ordinary” saints, not even extraordinary saints like St. Francis, who started a religious order that spread worldwide. God chose St. Francis to do His will and become an extraordinary saint in his century. God also will guide you to do His special work now, and in the future to fight against the many evils of Vatican II. These evils are promoted by Pope Francis and the conciliar church, causing a crisis in the Roman Catholic Church. Your response to this crisis must be to become a saint by faithfully fulfilling the daily obligations of your state of life.
It is no secret that complete submission to God’s Will will bring you happiness now and also in the hereafter, in Heaven.
This knowledge should relieve you from stress or fear in your everyday life. God has a plan (His Will) for your whole life. All you have to do is to be receptive, pray, and live accordingly. Talk with Him daily, heart-to-heart. He will be there with all the answers to your questions. He is very willing to help you reach your goal of Heaven.
Don’t forget God can read your heart, which is a real blessing. So, you don’t have to fear that He may not realize just how much you love Him, based on you not always living up to your desire to serve Him well and pray devoutly.
Don’t forget God made you for Heaven, and everything He does for you is to help you fulfill that goal, and absolutely nothing He does will interfere with that.