Are You One in a Million?  Not so.

No, you are one in billions.  Even so, God deals with each one of us, one-on-one, out of billions and billions of people.  There are so many people in the world, and God watches over you just as if you were the only person.  He knows when a single hair falls from your head and is aware of every event in your life.

We are completely dependent on God: 

[T]he world is essentially dependent on God, and this dependence implies in the first place that God is the Creator of the world – the producer of its whole being or substance – and in the next place, supposing[1] its production, and that its continuance in being at every moment is due to His sustaining power.[2]

Nothing happens in the universe without God willing or at least allowing it.  Although God never wills for people to sin, even sin He allows for his greater glory by bringing good out of the evil of sin.  Whatever happens which is outside of our control, is God’s will for us.  This is the unanimous teaching of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, “and God intervenes everywhere.”[3]

We should see Divine Providence in every step of our lives:

All that happens to us in this world against our will (whether due to men or to other causes) happens to us only by the will of God, by the disposal of Providence, by His orders and under His guidance, and if from the frailty of our understanding we cannot grasp the reason for some event, let us attribute it to Divine Providence, show Him some respect by accepting it from His Hand, and believe firmly that He does not send it (to) us without cause.[4]

We must understand Divine Providence better:

Divine Providence may be defined as the scheme in the Divine Mind by which all things treated [i.e., everything] are ordered and guided efficiently to a common end or purpose.  …  It includes an Act of Intellect and an Act of Will,[5] in other words, knowledge and power.  And that there is such a thing as Divine Providence by which the entire universe is ruled clearly follows from the fact that God is the author of all things, and that order and purpose must characterize the action of an intelligent Creator. [6]

Without a doubt God wants us to be happy on earth and with Him in heaven for all eternity.  Divine Providence helps us to live our lives and prepare us for our Particular Judgment, which is the first event to occur after we die.  God will be the Judge and we will have to account for our every thought, word, act, and omission of our entire life.  If we fail to make the grade, so to speak, it will be our own fault because God is most willing to help if we only ask, and if we live our life as we know He wants us to.

He gives us tools and gifts to accomplish this.  However, we are cautioned not to misuse these gifts.

If you have wealth, do not glory in it, nor in friends because they are powerful, but in God Who gives all things and Who desires above all to give Himself.  Do not boast of personal stature or of physical beauty, qualities which are marred and destroyed by a little sickness.  Do not take pride in your talent or ability, lest you displease God to Whom belongs all the natural gifts that you have.[7]

It is easy to see the world is an evil mess, in dire need of uncompromising traditional Catholics to demonstrate with much prayer and sacrifice what it takes to help reverse the evil trends.  You may be ridiculed but with God’s help, your zeal to carry on will increase.  We are here on earth for a very short time, compared to eternity, so we must use every minute to live according to God’s will, and avoid even the smallest sin. 

God bless the Catholic Candle’s readers!

[1]           In other words, given the fact that God did make the world.

[2]           Catholic Encyclopedia, 1909, Robert Appleton Company, Vol. 6, p.614.

[3]           Cf., Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence, Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure, S.J., and Blessed Claude De La Colombière, S.J., TAN Books, Rockford, Ill., 1983, Part I, p.14.

[4]           Cf., Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence, Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure, S.J., and Blessed Claude De La Colombière, S.J., TAN Books, Rockford, Ill., 1983, Part I, p.17-18.


[5]           Of course, in God, these “two” acts are really a single act, which is God’s only act and is God Himself, because He is entirely simple.  The Catholic Encyclopedia is calling them two acts because of the way we consider it in human terms.  This is like we say God is just and is merciful but those “two” virtues in God are really one virtue which is the same as God Himself.  Summa, Ia, Q.3, a.7.

[6]           Catholic Encyclopedia, 1909, Robert Appleton Company, Vol. 6, p.620 (bracketed word added for clarity).

[7]           Imitation of Christ, Thomas à Kempis; Book I, Ch.8.