Recalling a 1970s Climate-Change Hoax

Catholic Candle note: The article below looks back upon the global cooling and new ice age scares of the 1970s.

The purpose of this 1970s climate-change hoax and also the one which is now on-going, is a global power-grab.  These climate-change hoaxes aim at destroying what remains of freedom and destroying national sovereignty in the world, to pave the way for a New World Order — i.e., global governance.  Ultimately, this power-grab is anti-Catholic and anti-God.

For more analysis of these “green” frauds to achieve this global power-grab, read this article:


Several members of the Catholic Candle Team lived through the global cooling scare of the 1970s.  That manufactured “crisis” gives a person additional perspective on the present supposed “climate crisis” – a perspective which the younger generation does not have on its own, at least as fully.

During the 1970s, year after year, the liberals and mainstream media screamed out the alarm of impending environmental disaster because of global cooling.  This crisis was (supposedly) certain to come very soon and was (supposedly) backed by “irrefutable” data.  They constantly declared that global cooling was a “fact”.  The policymakers were told that they must act immediately, before it was too late. 

People were told that the new ice age was an existential crisis and that the fate of mankind would be determined during the next small number of years.  People were told that mankind’s survival depended upon everyone working together to fight the global cooling emergency as their highest priority.

The mainstream media, the politicians, and liberal academics solemnly assured the public that, in the new colder climate which is (supposedly) quickly coming, the crops would fail or the crop yields would plunge and that there would be widespread famine.

The global cooling alarmism was every bit as much of a broad societal scare as is the current global warming/climate change boogeyman.  One member of the Catholic Candle Team distinctly remembers that, when he was in elementary school, he read an article at school about the new ice age which (supposedly) was coming.  The article included a drawing aimed at scaring children, depicting a family wearing their winter coats and hats in their living room, with icicles hanging from their noses, their exhalations of breath visible in the room because it was so cold. 

Another such recollection about this global cooling scare is that academics, scientists, politicians, and media figures solemnly declared that people can expect that the new ice age “might” include year-round glaciers which descend from the north deep into the U.S. Midwestern States.  They published scientific-looking maps of the U.S. which showed how far south the “data showed” people could expect the glaciers to travel.

Of course, no year’s weather is identical to any other year’s weather, nor is any century’s weather identical to any other century’s weather.  Natural fluctuations have always occurred and always will occur.  There are long-term cycles and short-term cycles.  That is how God created the world. 

So global cooling alarmism, like other frauds, is a half-truth – which, of course, means it is a lie.  The “half-truth” was that, during the 1970s, the climate was going through the cooling phase of one of those natural cycles.

Here is a U.S. government graph showing the cooling phase that the climate was in then:

Get this U.S. government graph on the government’s website:

Here is another government weather graph showing the same basic point and the same natural temperature cycles which were at a low point in the 1970s, before the subsequent warming part of the cycle:


This graph is found on the U.S. government’s website here:

But in the 1970s, this cooling phase of the weather cycle was used dishonestly to perpetuate a hoax that we were entering a new ice age.  From the government, the media, and academia, people heard an incessant drum beat of an alarming global cooling – just like we hear now about global warming/climatechange.

Here is an example of the global cooling alarmism published in 1971 by the Washington Post.[1]  This article – and the entire climate-scare campaign occurring then – promote the opinions of “experts” and “scientists” who are government climate researchers and academics at a prestigious university, who warn about the (supposed) new ice age:

Notice the dire warning about the flooding of the world’s coastal cities (just like the alarmists predict now) and also notice the warning that “huge areas” of the earth will be covered by new glaciers.  The solution the 1970s leftists promoted to respond to this “crisis” is to stop the global cooling by greatly reducing all burning of fossil fuels and also increase the government’s control over people’s lives – so that the government can force us (for our own supposed good) to live in a way contrary to the way we would choose to live.

Here is another example of the global cooling scaremongering in 1970, this time in Boston’s daily newspaper called the Boston Globe[2]:

Notice that the media (in this case, the Boston Globe), cites an “expert” and “scientist” who was a government researcher, who warns that pollution is causing this crisis, resulting in a new ice age.  The “solutions” they always advocated then are the same ones that they also advocate in the present climate fraud, viz., population reduction and to have the government increasingly control people’s lives.  This control forces them to live in a way that will not (supposedly) destroy the world through a climate emergency and for the government to force people to adopt (unwillingly) a “less wasteful standard of living” (as this article phrases it).  Although we are currently further along on the path to a globalist totalitarian government, we were on that same path then.

Notice this “expert’s” absurd prediction that all rivers and streams in the U.S. will dry up.

Below is a “new ice age coming fast” scare from 1974, published by the well-known London daily newspaper, the Guardian[3]:


Here is another 1974 article – this one from Time magazine,[4] promoting the scare of “another ice age” and a “global climatic upheaval” with increasing thickness of arctic ice packs and other (supposedly) frightening signs.


Here is the New York Times[5] promoting a book by a government climate researcher who is explaining the “consensus of the climatological community” that the world will soon experience a global cooling crisis.  This “consensus” is the same type of fraud as the current “scientific consensus” saying that we are now heading toward the opposite catastrophe (global warming) which will (supposedly) occur in the near future.

Below is another global cooling scare article from the New York Times, based on the data analyzed by an international group of scientists:[6]

Just like today regarding the global warming/climate-change scam, there were countless news articles and “scholarly” studies which declared that the “science is settled”, the “data proves”, and the “experts have reached a consensus” that global cooling is a fact and a new ice age is coming unless we make fighting it our top priority. 

It is easy to ridicule all of these false and absurd predictions from the 1970s – such as that all rivers and streams in the U.S. will dry up and that we will have year-round glaciers in the U.S. Midwest (and in other “huge areas” of the world).

But for anyone who now thinks that he would have scoffed at that glacier nonsense then, here is a good test: does he scoff at the current global warming/climatechange hoax now?  If a person does not discern that the present climate scare is simple nonsense even though “everyone else” believes in it, there is little chance such a person would have discerned this past global cooling scare was a hoax when “everyone else” believed it back then.

We must be thinkers, not gullible sheep following the globalist climate change alarmists! 


[1]              We gratefully acknowledge the investigative journalism of Tony Heller, who found this newspaper clipping and posted it at  Mr. Heller is the person who added the highlighting.  This newspaper article can also be found at:


[2]               We gratefully acknowledge the investigative journalism of Tony Heller, who found this newspaper clipping and posted it at  Mr. Heller is the person who added the highlighting.  This newspaper article can also be found at:

[3]               We gratefully acknowledge the investigative journalism of Tony Heller, who found this newspaper clipping and posted it at  Mr. Heller is the person who added the highlighting.  This newspaper article can also be found at:

[4]               We gratefully acknowledge the investigative journalism of Tony Heller, who found this newspaper clipping and posted it at  Mr. Heller is the person who added the highlighting.    This newspaper article can also be found at: magazine,23657,944914,00.html


[5]               We gratefully acknowledge the investigative journalism of Tony Heller, who found this newspaper clipping and posted it at  Mr. Heller is the person who added the highlighting.  This newspaper article can also be found at:


[6]               We gratefully acknowledge the investigative journalism of Tony Heller, who found this newspaper clipping and posted it at  Mr. Heller is the person who added the highlighting.  This newspaper article can also be found at: