What Special Help from God Most Don’t Take Advantage Of?

It is our Guardian Angel.  A special Angel is assigned to us by God to help us in all ways – from our birth to our death.  This is such a significant help for our salvation that it would seem to be a sin of negligence to ignore his help (as well as a sin of ingratitude to God).

It also demonstrates how a loving God and Creator looks after us in every way possible.  This is important because one of the wounds of Original Sin is that man is inclined toward evil.  It is said that Lucifer assigns a devil to every person at birth.  Regardless of whether or not Lucifer does this, one thing is clear: man in his weakened condition is in dire need of the divine assistance that God, in His fatherly care for us, provides.

By God’s providence Angels have been entrusted with the office of guarding the human race and of accompanying every human being so as to preserve him from any serious dangers.  Just as parents whose children are about to travel a dangerous and infested road, appoint guardians and helpers for them, so also in the journey we are making towards our heavenly country, our heavenly Father has placed over each of us an Angel under whose protection and vigilance we may be enabled to escape the snares secretly prepared by our enemy, repel the dreadful attacks he makes on us, and under his guiding hand keep the right road, and thus be secure against all false steps which the wiles of the evil one might cause us to make in order to draw us aside from the path that leads to heaven.[1]

We read many examples in the Bible in which Angels wrought wondrous miracles right before our eyes.  This leads us to consider what other wonders they perform of which we are unaware.

Whoever we are, wherever we are, each of us has always a Guardian Angel at our side.  He sees everything we do: both good and evil.  We should always be very careful not to offend or hurt him.  We should pray to him often, especially in temptation or danger.[2]

 In what way do our Guardian Angels help us?

Our Guardian Angels help us by praying for us, by protecting us from harm, and by inspiring us to do good.  Our Guardian Angels are given special care of us, watching over each from birth to death.  We should always love and pray to our Guardian Angel who never leaves our side.  The Church celebrates the Feast of the Guardian Angels on October 2nd.

Our Guardian Angels suggest good and holy thoughts, and help to incline our wills to what is good.  They protect us in dangers of soul and body.  They offer our prayers and good works to God.  They pray for us.  They help us in our work and needs.  “He hath given His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways” (Ps. 90:11).  For instance, Angels kept Daniel safe in the lions’ den, and the three young men in the fiery furnace.  We often hear of little children meeting with accidents and escaping unhurt.  But the chief work of our Guardian Angels is to keep us safe from the devil.[3]  

Our Guardian Angel wants to fulfill his assignment as often and as much as possible.  He loves God and wants to do as God commands.  So, take advantage of God’s gift in every aspect of your life on the “road” to eternal salvation.  Don’t believe that your Guardian Angel would not want to help in this or that situation because it is so insignificant and small.  No, he wants to help in all situations, large or small.  So, start the day by reciting this prayer:

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here.  Ever this day, be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule and guide.  Amen

Let him help you avoid distraction in your prayers, become humble, persevere in prayer, and increase your love for God.  Let him help you in anything you need, to make you a better person, always living according to God’s will.

Lastly, it’s all very good to depend on your Guardian Angel, but the good Lord expects you to do your part in everyday safety in driving, walking, riding, etc. 

Below are two small devotions we recommend you use daily.

TO THE HOLY ANGELS                                       

Bless the Lord, all you His Angels.
You who are mighty in strength and do His will,
Intercede for me at the throne of God.
By your unceasing watchfulness
protect me in every danger of soul and body.
Obtain for me the grace of final perseverance,
so that after this life I may be admitted
to your glorious company and with you may sing
the praises of God for all eternity.[4]


Hand in hand with Angels
Through the world we go.
Brighter eyes are on us
Than we blind ones know.
Sweeter voices cheer us
Than we deaf will own.
Never, walking heav’nward
Do we walk alone.
Hand in hand with Angels
In the busy street,
Home, or school, or office
Everywhere we meet.
Wondrous shining spirits
Straight from paradise,
Ever bending on us
Watchful, loving eyes.
Shielding us in danger,
Keeping us from sin,
Helping us each moment
Heaven’s crown to win.[5]

Angel Raphael and Tobias

[1]           Catechism of the Council of Trent, Section: The Lord’s Prayer, subsection: Our Father Who Art In Heaven.

[2]           My Catholic Faith, Bishop Louis Morrow, My Mission House, Kenosha, WI, ©1949, page 30.


[3]           My Catholic Faith, Bishop Louis Morrow, My Mission House, Kenosha, WI, ©1949, page 31.

[4]           Author Unknown.

[5]           Author Unknown.