Be Assured Your Prayers are Always Answered; So Persevere

God wants you to be happy with Him in heaven, and He also wants you to be happy while you are on earth.  That doesn’t mean life on earth is easy and always joyous, with salvation assured.  Both have to be earned.

God will always answer your prayers, to help you realize your goals of heaven and a happy life on earth.  But if you pray for something that would be harmful and against His Will and your best interest, He will always answer, but in a way that is best for you.  He knows what is best for you and what will help you reach your goals of happiness on earth and in heaven.  You will thank God for the benefits received when He answered your prayer in the most helpful way that you may not have appreciated at the time, e.g., an answer with a needed cross to point you in the right direction.

If you review honestly all of your past prayers that were answered not to your liking, you will come to realize that He knew best.  And you will now be grateful for all He does for you.  It is just wonderful that we are all looked after by a loving God, putting our minds at ease.

Your good parents acted in much the same way when you were in school.  They insisted that you study hard, thus giving you less free time.  You might not have appreciated it one bit, feeling put upon and convinced that they didn’t understand you, and that your friends didn’t have to study hard, and their parents weren’t so strict.

Years later, upon graduating with honors and having your dream job offered, you began to realize that they knew what was best, and you are very grateful for all they did for you.

God is far wiser and more interested in your welfare than even the best parents, so expect the best answer to all your prayers every time.

Prayers not answered to your liking are a helpful cross to put you on the correct track for salvation and happiness.  Understand these crosses you receive are exactly what you need.  So, thank Our Lord for all His help.  Consider:

If there was anything better or more useful for your salvation than joyfully accepting a cross, Christ would have shown it by word and example.[1]

Our Lord teaches us that we should thank God for the crosses we suffer, and these crosses should cause us to have great hope of salvation.[2]

We frequently judge that things are as we wish them to be: for we easily lose true perspective through personal feelings.[3] 

To many the saying, “Deny thyself, take up thy cross and follow Me,” seems hard, but it will be much harder to hear that final word: “Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire.”[4] 

Lord, You know what is best for me; let this be done or that be done as You please.  Grant what You will, as much as You will.[5] 

Use temporal things but desire eternal things.  You cannot be satisfied with any temporal goods because you were not created to enjoy them.[6]

Prayer is our only direct communication with Our Lord, and is our main source of grace during this time of the Great Apostasy, when we are without an uncompromising Priest, the Mass, and the Sacraments (at least in most places).  So, we must persevere in prayer for happiness on earth and in Heaven.



[1]           From The Imitation of Christ, Book II, Chapter 12.  (Note: The word “cross” was used instead of “suffering”, and “your” instead of “man’s”.)

[2]           Teaching of St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church, quoted in the Catena Aurea of St. Matthew’s Gospel, St. Thomas Aquinas, greatest Doctor of the Church, Chapter 26, #8.

[3]           The Imitation of Christ, Book I, Chapter 14.

[4]           The Imitation of Christ, Book II, Chapter 12.

[5]           The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter 15.

[6]           The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter 16.