To Receive Our Lord’s Help on Earth and for Your Salvation, Read On


If you want daily help in your state of life, whether you are married, a consecrated religious, or single, develop a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In the 17th Century, Our Lord appeared to St. Margaret Mary and revealed to her His 12 Promises to those who have a devotion to His Sacred Heart and who promote this devotion.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart is a very certain way of becoming holy; Our Lord Himself gave us this devotion as a supreme means to gain our love.

To practice this devotion, it is very helpful to read, from time to time, the 12 wonderful Promises that Our Lord made to everyone who practices devotion to His Sacred Heart. These Promises reveal in the clearest possible way the immense personal and tender love Our Lord has for us.

Therefore, we should read them, slowly and carefully, at least on the First Friday of every month. They will awaken in our hearts boundless confidence in Our Lord.

All the 12 Promises are most important, but we call attention very especially to the 11th Promise:

Those who spread this devotion will have their names written on My Sacred Heart, never to be effaced!

We must repeat frequently the ejaculation:

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have confidence in Thee, boundless confidence for everything.

This ejaculation is so powerful and efficacious that it has been called “The miraculous ejaculation.”

We ought to have a picture of the Sacred Heart, not only in our homes but in every room and on our writing table, just as we have the photograph of our dear mother. We can say frequently, “Jesus, I love You.”

No mother, no father, no brother or friend loves us so tenderly as Jesus does.

Those who practice devotion to the Sacred Heart in this simple and easy way have a guarantee of receiving the wonderful favors promised by Our Lord.

This Devotion to the Sacred Heart should be part of all religious instruction from early childhood to the time of death.

Well, that’s it: an easy way to become holy, with Our Lord’s promised help for our state of life on earth, and much help for our salvation.

1 The following is taken from An Easy Way to Become a Saint. Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford, Ill., 1990, pp. 60-61.