In August 2022, Catholic Candle concluded an examination of the striking manner in which the feminists follow the same eight-point program as Satan and Marx, and how feminism is a tool of Satan and the Marxists to corrupt society and the family. Following up this examination, we now consider a related truth, viz., Our Lady is the opposite of those evils.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is Anti-Satan, Anti-Marx, and Anti-Feminist
Reflecting back on these recent articles, we see that the feminists contrast so strongly with the Blessed Virgin Mary. Of all human persons, she is most of all God’s masterpiece. Our Lady, more than any other creature, is Anti-Satan, Anti-Marx and Anti-Feminist.
There are many ways to see that Our Lady is Anti-Satan. Here, e.g., is God’s prophesy to Satan how Our Lady will uniquely be (and now, is) anti-Satan:
I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.[1]
Because feminist leaders, especially, are tools of Satan, they hate the Blessed Virgin Mary. We would (correctly) expect this before we even knew this to be true, simply based on the fact that there is complete enmity between Our Lady and the leader of the feminists, viz., Satan.
The Blessed Virgin is the Perfect Virgin and Perfect Mother. Feminists hate her precisely for both of these perfections. She is the perfection of what they hate and oppose. Even when they don’t mention her, the feminist opposition to what she stands for, is clear. Here, for example, are the writing restrictions imposed on the writing staff at the flag ship feminist magazine, Cosmopolitan:
Sue Ellen Browder … former employee at Cosmopolitan, said that when she worked at the magazine, she regularly fabricated stories about fictional women known as the Cosmo Girl. “I could make her into anything I wanted her to be – a doctor, a lawyer, judge, even a high-priced call girl – but there were two things she could not be if she was going to be glamorous, sophisticated and cool: a virgin or a mother.”[2]
At Cosmopolitan, the “Cosmo Girl” could not be a virgin or a mother because feminists wage war on both virginity and motherhood. Feminists hate Our Lady because she is the perfection of both.
Further, we see feminist hatred, scorn, and contempt heaped upon the Blessed Virgin Mary. Feminist leaders even occasionally praise another feminist leader explicitly because she is the opposite of Mary. For example, when feminist actress and celebrity Elizabeth Taylor died in 2011, American feminist academic Camille Paglia heaped praise upon her, including praising her as the anti-Mary. Here are her greatest praises of Elizabeth Taylor:
She is Babylonian pagan woman – the goddess Ishtar, the anti-Mary! My sensibility as a culture critic and as a feminist was deeply formed by her. She was truly transcultural … and with an open sexuality in that puritanical period, it was so daring! She picked up one man after another. To me she represented the ultimate power of the sexual woman.”[3]
There are a great many other scornful statements by feminist leaders insulting Our Lady. For example, here is how religious feminist leader, Mary Daly, disparages our dear Blessed Mother:
Mary is a “pale derivative symbol disguising the conquered Goddess”, a “flaunting of the tamed Goddess”. Her role as servant in the Incarnation of God amounts to nothing other than a “rape”.[4]
Secular feminist leader, Simone de Beauvoir, called the Blessed Virgin Mary the “supreme victory of masculinity”, implying that somehow, Our Lady is some tool of a war against women, rather than the dear and compassionate Mother of mankind.[5]
It is not without reason the feminists hate the Blessed Virgin Mary. As summarized below, she is the opposite of the feminists and of their satanic, Marxist program outlined in the Catholic Candle series from February through August, 2022. For example:
1. The feminists and feminism are anti-God.
Our Lady is completely the opposite. More than anyone else, she is united to God. She is the daughter of the Eternal Father, the mother of God the Son and the spouse of the Holy Ghost. She is the one to whom the Angel Gabriel brought God’s greeting that “the Lord is with thee”. St. Luke’s Gospel, 1:28.
Further, as many feminist leaders know, Our Lady is a necessary help to us in order that we devote ourselves to God and to fighting feminism.
2. The feminists and feminism are revolutionary and are anti-authority.
Our Lady is completely the opposite. More than any other creature, she works for the reign of her Divine Son in all things. She is the Queen of Heaven. All revolutions are against her and her Divine Son. All rejection of true authority is against her universal queenship.
Whereas Satan was the first revolutionary, Our Lady is, more than any other creature, the anti-revolutionary. In the Garden of Eden, Eve joined Satan’s revolution. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the New Eve who repaired that evil.
So far was she from revolting against God’s order, she was most perfectly the servant (slave girl) of God, calling herself “the handmaid of the Lord”. St. Luke’s Gospel, 1:29.
Further, as many feminist leaders know, Our Lady is a necessary help to us in order that we are obedient and serve God, including by fighting feminism.
3. The feminists and feminism seek to divide people.
Our Lady is completely the opposite. Mary seeks to unite all men in the unity of the Catholic Church. She strives that as many people as possible be members of her Son’s one Mystical Body.
Mary is our mother and seeks to unite all of us, as her children. Mary leads us to the virtues, such as charity, mildness, longsuffering, generosity, etc. By promoting these virtues, Mary uses these virtues to unite people, and to oppose Satan, Marx, and the feminists, who seek to divide people.
Further, as many feminist leaders know, Our Lady is a necessary help to us in order that we live our lives devoted to true charity toward our neighbor, and to fighting feminism.
4. The feminists and feminism promote discontent, envy, and discord.
Our Lady is the complete opposite. She is the Comforter of the Afflicted. (Litany of Loretto). She is the Mother Most Amiable. (Litany of Loretto).
She is the Queen of Peace. (Litany of Loretto). She is the mother of the Prince of Peace. Isaiah, 9:6.
In our times, God wills that peace will come upon the world through the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Further, as many feminist leaders know, Our Lady is a necessary help to us in order that we live our lives in the peace of God, completely uniformed to God’s Will in all things, and as implacable opponents of feminism.
5. The feminists and feminism promote hatred.
Our Lady is the complete opposite. She is the Mother of Fair Love. Ecclesiasticus, 24:24.
God wills universal devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary because her heart shows the great tenderness of her love. In our times, God wills that peace will come upon the world through the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (i.e., to her loving heart).
Further, as many feminist leaders know, Our Lady is a necessary help to us in order that we live our lives as examples of, and ambassadors of, charity as well as implacable opponents of feminism.
6. The feminists and feminism are result-oriented and unprincipled, because Satan and Marx neither act according to immutable principles nor encourage their followers to do so.
Our Lady is the complete opposite. She is the greatest example of a creature obedient to God. She is the “handmaid of the Lord”. She is our model of how to serve God in all things, in the way that pleases Him most.
Mary teaches us all of the virtues and how to live according to the principles of virtue.
Further, as many feminist leaders know, Our Lady is a necessary help to us in order that we direct our lives according to the principles of the Catholic Faith and, including the imperative of being untiring enemies of feminism.
7. The feminists and feminism are full of lies.
Our Lady is the complete opposite. Our Lady’s Son is the Eternal Truth.
In Our Lady, “is all grace of the way and of the truth”. Ecclesiasticus, 24:24.
She explains that she has labored “for all that seek out the truth.” Ecclesiasticus, 24:47.
Further, as many feminist leaders know, Our Lady is a necessary help to us in order that we live our lives thirsting for the truth and abiding always in the Truth, and fighting the lies of feminism.
8. The feminists and feminism are anti-Natural Law.
Our Lady is the complete opposite. Our Lady loves and promotes the Natural Law because it was created by her Son and is a necessary help to salvation.
Purity is part of the Natural Law, in which reason tells us that we should live and act so as to shun the moral defilements which are so shamelessly promoted by Satan, Marxists, and the feminists. Our Lady is the Mother Most Pure and Mother Most Chaste, Mother Inviolate, and the Mother Undefiled. (Litany of Loretto).
The family is the necessary building block of the Church and society, according to the Natural Law. Our Lady gave us the perfect example of a wife and mother, in the Holy Family. She perfectly fulfills the Natural Law.
Satan, Marxists, and the feminists hate and seek to destroy marriage. Our Lady had the perfect marriage and is the model of all wives, fulfilling the Natural Law in every way.
These examples are only a beginning. The list is “endless” of the ways in which Our Lady practiced the Natural Law and gave us the perfect example of adherence to the Natural Law.
Further, as many feminist leaders know, Our Lady is a necessary help to us in order that we live our lives in complete conformity with the Natural Law and defend it against feminism.
Our life on earth is a warfare. We are in the Church Militant! We are not in the service of Satan. There is no middle ground. Are we adopted children of Mary or have we adopted feminism?
We must choose sides! Are we on God’s side or are we on Satan’s side?
In this time in which God’s enemies are all around us, we must cling closely to our dear Mother Mary, the Anti-Satan, the Anti-Marx, and the Anti-Feminist!
[1] Genesis, 3:15.
[2] Quote from The Anti-Mary Exposed by Carrie Gress, St. Benedict Press LLC © 2019, ch. 5,
[3] (emphasis added).
[4] Gyn/Ecology, by Mary Daly, (1978), found here: