The Conciliar Church “Sacrament” of Reconciliation is Against God

Catholic Candle note:  The article below refers to Rome’s betrayal of the Catholic Faith.  However, a reader would be mistaken if he assumed that Pope Francis’ betrayal somehow means that he is not the pope.

Sedevacantism is wrong and is (material or formal) schism.  Catholic Candle is not sedevacantist.  On the contrary, we published a series of articles showing that sedevacantism is false (and also showing that former Pope Benedict is not still the pope).  

We recommend a small book explaining the errors of sedevacantism.  It is available:

Here is what St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church, teaches concerning the need to recognize and respect the authority of a superior – such as the pope – even when he is bad:

Even should the life of any superior be so notoriously wicked as to admit of no excuse or dissimulation, nevertheless, for God’s sake, Who is the source of all power, we are bound to honor such a one, not on account of his personal merits, which are non-existent, but because of the divine ordination and the dignity of his office.[1]

However, even while recognizing the pope’s authority and our duty to obey him when we are able, we know we must resist the evil he says and does.  Read more about this principle here:

Conciliar “reconciliation” is a humanistic meeting between a “priest” and a lay person to help him reconcile with his fellow man.  In this conciliar mindset, God is neither necessary nor needed and, in effect, reconciling with your fellow man is more important than with God.

The conciliar church is the devil’s counter-church, headquartered in Rome.  In the conciliar mindset, everyone goes to heaven; sin is not a problem.  A standard comment by the “priest” at a conciliar funeral is that the deceased loved one is smiling and looking down on us happily, without a problem, wishing us well and waiting for us to join him in heaven.  So, there is no need for the traditional Catholic Sacrament of Penance if we are all going to Heaven anyway.

Picture this.  If Christ was still on earth when the conciliar church was developing its new “sacrament” of reconciliation, they would have slammed the rectory door so hard and so fast on Christ that they would have given Him a Bloody Nose.  Consequently, if there is “no more sin” in the conciliar church, then God need not be involved.

We should never go to this conciliar “sacrament” of “reconciliation” because:

  • It is a bad fruit of the bad conciliar tree.  There are no good fruits of this tree and there could never be.
  • This “reconciliation” is a “sacrament” of a false religion: the new conciliar church.[2] 
  • It is never – or almost never – administered by a priest whose ordination is not doubtful.  Treating such a “priest’s” ordination as invalid, as we must, we are obliged to also treat his absolution as invalid.[3] 
  • It is a sin of scandal to participate in this conciliar “reconciliation”, just as it is a sin to participate in any other conciliar service.[4] 
  • Because the reconciliation “sacrament” inherently involves a sin of scandal and is a compromise with the modernists, it gives no grace.[5]
  • It is a temptation of false piety[6] to use this “sacrament” because we “have to go to confession somewhere”.  
  • This “sacrament” of “reconciliation” is designed by our enemies – the modernists – for the purpose of weakening our faith in many ways, e.g., by emphasizing the “social” sin against our fellow man, and by deemphasizing the gravity of sin as an offense against God.  

Let's review the traditional Catholic dogma on the Sacrament of Penance.

From My Catholic Faith, Bishop Morrow, Lesson 144, page 300:

What is the sacrament of Penance?  It is the sacrament by which sins committed after Baptism are forgiven through the absolution of the priest. 

In every sacrament three things are necessary: the outward sign, the inward grace, and Divine institution.

Penance has the three essentials of a sacrament:

  • It is a sensible sign; i.e., the words of absolution and the external act of the confession.
  • It was instituted by Jesus Christ on the first Easter Sunday night.
  • It confers grace.  It is the way by which after Baptism sanctifying grace is restored to the penitent who has committed mortal sin.  It increases this grace in the penitent who already possesses it.  It also gives actual graces.

The priest forgives sins with the words: "I absolve thee from thy sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.  Amen."

From the
Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 13, article: Sacraments, page 297:

In every sacrament three things are necessary: the outward sign, the inward sign, and Divine institution.

From Catechism of the Council of Trent, p.263, heading; The Meaning of Penance:

Interior penance consists in turning to God sincerely and from the heart, and in hating and detesting our past transgressions, with a firm resolution of amendment of life, hoping to obtain pardon through the mercy of God.  

Accompanying this penance, like an inseparable companion of detestation for sin, is a sorrow and sadness, which is a certain agitation and disturbance of the soul, and is called by many a passion.  Hence, many of the Fathers (of the Church) define penance as an anguish of soul. 

The Catholic Dictionary, Rev. William E. Addis and Rev. Thomas Arnold, page 645:

Priests have received power from Christ to forgive sins in His name and according to His law—i.e., in the case of true repentance.  God alone can remit sins, but He has been pleased to make the priest's absolution the means by which His grace is conveyed.  He said to His Apostles, "Receive the Holy Ghost; whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted (i.e., forgiven them), and whosoever sins ye retain, they have been retained.  …

The conciliar church got rid of the confession “box”, and in a sense the “priest” locks his office door to keep God out.  Added to this, the “priest” on occasion will have a group reconciliation to be sure everyone gets along with each other.

If you think about the conciliar church, you realize there is no real need for it.  Everyone is saved automatically; getting along with others is most important; there is no need for prayer or concern about God, hell, or purgatory.  This mindset drastically reduces vocations, church attendance, and church finances.

Conciliar church leaders in Rome are not concerned.  They worry about saving the planet, about global warming, protecting the Muslims, and making sure the world appreciates Luther and all he did for the religions of the world.

The conciliar church kept the name Catholic to confuse and keep a billion plus confused Catholics accepting VC II’s anti-God counter-church.

Well, what is in store for uncompromising traditional Catholics?  We have a fight on our hands – a fight for the restoration of the human element of the Church, without any help from the Church leaders.

Don’t despair!  God knows what we need, and be assured He will do what is necessary for us and much more!  Our part is for all, without exception, to lead the holy life God wants us to lead, to be a “light” in the world, and to fight in the army of Christ the King.

It is not that hard, with all of God’s graces and help.  The catacombs will strengthen your faith if you love Christ the King and study the traditional Catholic Faith.

[1]          Quoted from St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Third Sermon for Advent, entitled: On the Three Advents of the Lord and the Seven Pillars which we ought to Erect within us.

[3]          For an explanation of why the conciliar rites of ordination and consecration are doubtful, read these analyses:

Because those conciliar rites are doubtfully valid, they should be
treated as invalid.