The New SSPX and Judas-type Liberalism

If you have followed the New SSPX in its effort to be reconciled with Rome ever since Archbishop Lefebvre died, you noticed a type of Liberalism that deceives its followers.  Rome insists that the SSPX accept the evils of Vatican II, and the SSPX can’t do that – oh, they would if they could and still hold on to their pseudo-traditional followers.  But they can’t do that quite yet.

So, how has the “new” SSPX managed to hold onto these followers so far and still please Rome?  I’ll tell you how.  They use Judas-type Liberalism.  What is Judas-type Liberalism?  It’s when you have one N-SSPX leader making a liberal VC II statement, followed later by another N-SSPX leader making a traditional refutation of that statement.  In this way, the pseudo-traditional followers of the Society can believe the statement that salves their conscience and, of course, reject what bothers them.  So, you see, it is a Liberalism that deceives the ill-informed consciences of the Society supporters, but satisfies Rome that the N-SSPX is beginning to see the “truth” of the Second Vatican Council, which is a requisite for reconciliation.  Rome is happy with the N-SSPX, and so are its followers.  The N-SSPX found they could please both by being “for” and “against” something at the same time.  Judas-type Liberalism has been successful ever since the archbishop died.

Let me demonstrate Judas-type Liberalism based on a speech by Father Benoit De Jorno on Nov. 28, 2020.  He is the Superior of the N-SSPX district in France, and he refutes previous statements by Bishop Fellay.  Here is Fr. De Jorno:

Since 1969, a new rite has been introduced into the Church, profoundly modifying its worship and, as a consequence, seriously damaging the Faith, because, as we know, ‘lex orandi, lex credendi’ – the rule of prayer is the rule of faith.  The Society of St. Pius X, standing against this sickening novelty from the very moment of its foundation ….[1]

Fr. De Jorno also warned against humanism, saying:

[T]his deadly humanism has penetrated the Church, has become conciliar; with the Second Vatican Council, a great change, a great upheaval, a new doctrine has profoundly infiltrated the Church; ecumenism in particular is a cancer that gnaws at her bone marrow.  And the scourge is precisely the new mass, which as we know, significantly departs from Catholic tradition.[2]

These more conservative words are surely contrary to the repeated position taken by Bishop Fellay, who attended the new mass himself, showing by his own example the Society’s position that the new mass is acceptable.  After he attended the new mass, he enthusiastically praised it.[3] 

Bishop Fellay’s two assistants also attended the new mass when visiting Pope Francis, showing by their own example the N-SSPX’s position that the new mass is acceptable.[4]

The new SSPX says the new mass gives grace.[5]  In reality, the new mass never gives grace.[6]

Bishop Fellay says that “what needs to be corrected” in the new mass are things like making a better vernacular translation.[7]  This tells people that the “new” SSPX does not have a problem with the new mass itself.

Now, increasingly, the “new” SSPX respects the values of the world and wants to fit in with the world, e.g., the “new” SSPX says its school (in Missouri) is “very much like other schools”.[8]

The “new” Society no longer remembers what it is like to be a sign of contradiction, like Our Lord.

Another aspect of the “cult of man” (humanism) is to adopt the “modesty” standards of the world.  The “new” SSPX now progressively promotes mini-skirts, women with bare shoulders or exposed flanks, and women wearing trousers.[9]

The above examples of Judas-type Liberalism are only a few of the many, but they show the N-SSPX tactics as to how they please Rome and their followers’ consciences at the same time.

Don’t hold out hope that the N-SSPX will change course and become uncompromising and traditional, as the conciliar hierarchy promotes ever-more-extreme modernism, because the Society believes they can achieve reconciliation without defections, using the Judas-type Liberalism to put the final “piece of the puzzle” in place to please Rome.  This final piece is the acceptance, at least in part, of the soul-destroying Novus Ordo mass.

Based on the past success of the Judas-type Liberalism, I predict and won’t be surprised if in 2023 (or before), when Rome celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, they will reconcile with the N-SSPX, who will use “soft” Liberalism again to avoid defections by its supporters.  They may well begin by promoting a hybrid Mass, (i.e., the “best” parts from the Conciliar service mixed with the Traditional Mass).  Bishop Fellay already promotes a hybrid mixture of the new mass and the Traditional Mass.[10]

I predict that the N-SSPX will begin using the hybrid mass slowly.  First, the hybrid mass will be used at N-SSPX chapels once a month and be available as one option.  Later, the hybrid mass will be the only one available on some occasions, e.g., once a month, after the Society is certain they will not lose followers or revenue.

In closing, you can see what the naïve followers of the N-SSPX are up against.  We must hold fast without compromise and can be sure that Our Lord’s grace will help us and He will never abandon His soldiers in the Catacombs.  Our uncompromising position and our love of Our Lord will surely eliminate fear and problems we would otherwise face at our Personal Judgment.

Let us pray hard daily for the misguided leaders of the N-SSPX and their naïve followers.  Moreover, because the SSPX was dear to the heart of Archbishop Lefebvre while he was on earth, (and supposing that he is in Purgatory or Heaven), he is no-doubt continuing to pray hard for his now-wayward Society.  Let us join our prayers to his.

[1]           As reported in the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Newsletter dated Feb. 11, 2021.

[2]           As reported in the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Newsletter dated Feb. 11, 2021.

[3]           Quotation, citation, and analysis here:

[4]           Quotation, citation, and analysis here:

[5]           Quotation, citation, and analysis here:

[7]           Quotation, citation, and analysis here: