The Feminist Program is the same as that of Satan and Marx – Part VI

Catholic Candle note:

In February 2022, Catholic Candle began a multi-part examination of how the feminists follow the same program as Satan and Marx.  This article is entitled The Feminist Program is the same as that of Satan and Marx

Part 1 analyzes Satan’s program and begins to analyze how Marx has the same program.  Part 1 can be found here:

Part 2 completes the analysis showing how Marx’s program is the same as Satan’s program.  Part 2 can be found here:  

As shown in those first two parts of this article, Satan’s and Marx’s eight-point program:

1.    Is anti-God (and anti-worship of God);

2.    Promotes disobedience and opposition to the authority ordained by God;

3.    Seeks to divide people;


4.    Promotes discontent, envy, and discord;


5.    Promotes hatred;


6.    Is result-oriented and self-interested; Satan neither acts according to immutable principles nor encourages his followers to do so;


7.    Is full of lies; and


8.    Is against Nature and is anti-Natural Law.

Part 3 begins the study of modern feminism and feminist leaders to see how they follow this same satanic and Marxist program.  Part 3 shows how feminism and feminist leaders are anti-God and anti-worship of God.  This article can be found here:


Part 4 covers three additional aspects of how the feminist leaders and feminist principles follow Satan’s and Marx’s program:

A.   They promote disobedience, revolt, and opposition to the authority ordained by God;

B.   They seek to divide people; and

C.   They promote discontent, envy, and discord.

Part 4 of this article can be found here:


Part 5 covers two additional aspects of how the feminist leaders and feminist principles follow Satan’s and Marx’s program:

A.   Modern feminism promotes the program of Satan and Marx by promoting hatred; and


B.   Feminist leaders are result-oriented and unprincipled just like Satan and Marx.

Part 5 of this article can be found here:


Part 6:

The Feminist Program is the same as that of Satan and Marx

(Continuing where we left off last month)

This month, we cover the second-last aspect of the feminist program, which is also the seventh element of the eight-point program of Satan and the Marxists:


Modern feminist leaders are full of lies.

A thinking person would expect ahead of time, that modern feminist leaders would be liars because they follow the program of Satan, who is the father of lies.

One testimony of this is from the sister of secular feminist leader, Kate Millett, who described Kate and her fellow feminist leaders as “so full of lies” and deception.  Here are the words of Kate’s sister:

Without a doubt, over time, once she [viz., Kate] became enmeshed in the larger group of leftist activists around the world, her madness, buoyed by their lunacy, became even greater and more impossible to penetrate. Their groupthink is so dense, so full of lies, the vocabulary is so deceptive and intricately designed to brainwash, that just to witness it and their interactions from a distance is beyond alarming.  After we buried our mother, I never spoke with Kate again, as I’d finally come to accept that there is no honest communication with this mental illness that is today’s liberalism.[1]

Another example is the lying of Betty Friedan, who is a career-long, well-known liar, as well as “America’s premier feminist” (as she is called).  Here is how David Horowitz expressed it:

Betty Friedan … always presented herself as a typical suburban housewife; until she began work on her groundbreaking book [“The Feminist Mystique”]; she was in fact nothing of the kind.  In fact, under her maiden name, Betty Goldstein, she was a political activist and professional propagandist for the Communist left for a quarter of a century before the publication of “The Feminist Mystique” launched the modern women’s movement.

Professor Horowitz[2] documents that Friedan was from her college days, and until her mid-30s, a Stalinist Marxist, the political intimate of the leaders of America’s Cold War fifth column and for a time even the lover of a young Communist physicist working on atomic bomb projects in Berkeley’s radiation lab with J. Robert Oppenheimer. …

It is fascinating that Friedan not only felt the need to lie about her real views and life experience then, but still feels the need to lie about them now.  …

So why the continuing lies?  The reason is this: The truth is too embarrassing.  Imagine what it would be like for Betty Friedan (the name actually is Friedman) to admit that as a Jew she opposed America’s entry into the war against Hitler because Stalin told her that it was just an inter-imperialist fracas?  Imagine what it would be like for America’s premier feminist to acknowledge that well into her 30s she thought Stalin was the Father of the Peoples, and that the United States was an evil empire, and that her interest in women’s liberation was just a subtext of her real desire to create a Soviet America.[3]

Like Satan and Marx, we see feminist leaders are prone to be liars.  They:

  Are liars, saying that goddesses should be acknowledged as existing because it is necessary to say this to achieve feminist goals.[4]


  Are liars, saying that the life of a harlot is good and “empowering” for women if they choose that life.


  Are liars, saying that they don’t know what a woman is, as did feminist/leftist Ketanji Brown on March 23, 2022, during her senate confirmation hearing as a Supreme Court nominee.


  Are liars, saying that a woman needs to avoid being sensitive and should “toughen up” to compete in the world.

  Are liars, saying that women should wear whatever they want to wear (i.e., no matter how immodest or impure) and they are not responsible for any bad thoughts of men and are not inviting any bad conduct of men who see them.

  Are liars, saying that separating the marital act from its chief purpose, having children, will help women.

  Are liars, saying that the feminist movement is in the best interests of women.

  Are liars, saying that the aim of feminism is to give women more choices.[5]

  Are liars, saying that a woman should try to suppress her womanly, tender, and loving heart because having such a heart is a weakness.

  Are liars, saying that the feminist revolution will result in a better society.

  Are liars, saying that women are unhappy because feminism has not fully triumphed in society.

  Are liars, saying that divorce empowers women.

  Are liars, saying that obesity is just another kind of beauty.  Feminists decry ‘body shaming” and say that men oppress women and pressure them into being slim.  (The truth is that temperance is a virtue and overindulgence is a vice in both men and women.)

  Are liars, saying that men treat women unfairly by not treating women as if they were “just as good as men” at men’s work.

  Are liars, saying that motherhood should be a secondary concern for women and should not be allowed to get in the way of a woman’s career in the workplace.

  Are liars, saying that men and women are equally good at fulfilling men’s roles and men’s jobs.  Sometimes the feminists claim that women are better at those roles and jobs.  (One example is the feminist lie that if all nations were ruled by women things would be much better and there would be great international harmony and no wars.)

  Are liars, saying that women have no complementary role in society and in the human race but should simply compete with men in the male sphere.

  Are liars, saying that woman’s natural traits, e.g., sympathy, softness, nurturing, comforting, conciliation, dependence on and leaning on their husbands, are silly, unworthy, and should be squelched.

  Are liars, saying that women should fight against the feminine piety to which nature disposes them.

  Are liars, saying that women have no duty to obey and to be submissive to their husbands.[6]

  Are liars, saying that the family is not a natural institution but is a construct invented by men to oppress women.[7]

  Are liars, saying that fatherhood, i.e., patriarchy, is evil.

  Are liars, saying that women need emancipation because they are slaves.[8]

  Are liars, saying that women are victims of men.


  Are liars, saying that men are terrorists.[9]

  Are liars, saying that feminism makes a woman powerful.

  Are liars, saying that a woman can “have it all”, i.e., both excelling in a man’s role and job as well as having a family life if they want it.

  Are liars, saying that with sufficient efforts, a woman can compete with men in the career world just as well as a man.

  Are liars, saying that men hate women.

  Are liars, saying that women should be aggressive.

  Are liars, saying that woman should harbor violent thoughts, especially toward men.[10]

  Are liars, saying that children are an obstacle to women’s happiness.

  Are liars, saying that an unborn baby is merely a “clump of cells”.

  Are liars, saying that an unborn baby is part of a woman’s body.

  Are liars, saying that a mother murdering her unborn child is “health care” for her.

  Are liars, saying that a mother murdering her unborn child is safe.

  Are liars, saying that justice requires that everyone should always “believe women” if they allege improper conduct committed against them by a man.

  Are liars, saying that daycare is as good or better for children than for those children being home with their mother.

  Are liars, saying that women should hate men.

  Are liars, saying that it can be good for a woman to be promiscuous.[11]

  Are liars, saying that men oppress women.

  Are liars, saying that a woman should be career-focused and this will give her a fulfilling life.

  Are liars, saying that feminism makes women into goddesses.[12]

  Are liars, saying that men, as a group, are worthy of hatred.

  Are liars, saying that feminism will bring women peace, contentment, and security.

  Are liars, saying that femininity is weak and shameful.

  Are liars, saying that it is shameful for a woman to be dependent on her husband.

  Are liars, saying that women should compete with men, not be complementary to them.

  Are liars, saying that if men were softer, more emotional, more sensitive, and more like women, then women would respect and admire them more.  The truth is that when men take on feminine characteristics, they’re just wimpy and unmasculine.  God made men to be leaders, courageous, strong, and protective.

  Are liars, saying that Traditional Catholicism (and also those false “Christian” sects which bear some similarity to Catholicism) is a big obstacle to fair treatment and happiness for women.

  Are liars, saying that gender should be eliminated or ignored.[13]

  Are liars, saying that men and women should not have any different roles in life.[14]

  Are liars, saying that women should not allow a family to get in the way of having a “meaningful” and “fulfilling” life.

  Are liars, saying that women should focus on themselves and their own career advancement.

  Are liars, saying that women should be self-sufficient and independent.

  Are liars, saying that the many differences between men and women are all due to society forcing them into different “gender roles” when they were young.  The truth is that men tend to be more goal-oriented and competitive.  By contrast, women are more relational and cooperative.  God placed those characteristics into the sexes to assist them in the roles and work God planned for them.

  Are liars, saying that the more a woman achieves in a career, the more attractive and desirable she becomes to men.  The truth is that career accomplishments are not what a good and manly man looks for in a wife.  He seeks a woman’s unique feminine attributes: love, sensitivity, giving, attention to detail, her abilities to relate to him, etc.

  Are liars, saying that women should postpone marriage and children to focus on their careers.  The truth is that a woman “shall be saved through childbearing; if she continues in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.”  1 Timothy, 2:15.

  Are liars, saying that femininity, sweetness, kindness, and softness are weaknesses and that women need to be firm, aggressive, and competitive.

  Are liars, saying that women don’t need men.  This is the message in the feminist slogan, promoted by secular feminist Gloria Steinem, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.”  The truth is that God made men and women complementary and both sexes need the other.  But feminists lie, saying that women are self-sufficient. 

  Are liars, saying that they want “diversity” but when feminists (and other leftists) are in charge, they are rigidly exclusionary – of men, of homemakers, of traditionalists, of conservatives, etc.



Any thinking person sees that feminist leaders and feminism are tools of the father of lies, Satan.  Not only the feminists, but also the Marxists, the mainstream media and almost all public sources of information promote lies.  We seem to be in that time predicted by St. Paul:

There shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables.

2 Timothy, 4:3-4 (emphasis added).

This is a reminder that we must not only fight feminism (and the other evils) but also must be entirely devoted to the truth!  The truth is such a great blessing and it will be taken from us if we do not appreciate it enough and devote our life to it!  We must be on our guard because we too will be deceived if we are not selfless in our devotion to the truth.

Let us value nothing as much as the truth!

[2]           This professor, named “Horowitz”, is a liberal author who wrote a book about Betty Friedan.  The magazine article quoted here is a review of that book.  That magazine article is (by coincidence) written by an author also named Horowitz.

[3]           Betty Friedan’s secret Communist past by David Horowitz, published in the liberal Salon Magazine, January 18, 1999, available here: (bracketed words added to show context).

[4]           Feminist leader, Carol P. Christ, in her essay “Why Women Need the Goddess,” argued that women need a substitute for the traditional religion that they seek to overthrow.  Here are her words:

Symbol systems cannot simply be rejected; they must be replaced.  Where there is not any replacement, the mind will revert to familiar structures at times of crisis, bafflement or defeat.  …  A question immediately arises, Is the Goddess simply female power writ large, and if so, why bother with the symbol of Goddess at all?  Or does the symbol refer to a Goddess “out there” who is not reducible to a human potential?


Carol P. Christ, quoted from her essay “Why Women Need the Goddess”, as quoted here:

[5]           Here, for example, are the candid words of one secular feminist writer, Simone de Beauvoir, in an interview with another secular feminist leader, Betty Friedan, in which Beauvoir declared that their aim is a totalitarian system which inflicts compulsion on women (as well as men):

No, we do not believe that any woman should have this choice.  No woman should be authorized to stay home to raise her children.  Society should be totally different.  Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.


Manfred Hauke, God or Goddess? Feminist Theology: What Is It? Where Does It Lead? (Ignatius Press, 1995), p.57 (emphasis added).

[6]           Sacred Scripture and the Natural Law both show that the husband is the head of the family and his wife must obey him.  Here is one of the ways that St. Paul states this truth:

Let women be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord: Because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the Church.  He is the Savior of His Body.  Therefore, as the Church is subject to Christ, so also let the wives be, to their husbands in all things.

Ephesians, 5:22-24.

[7]              See, e.g., The Second Sex, by secular feminist leader, Simone De Beauvoir, Vintage Books, New York, pages 88-89.  Here is the longer declaration by De Beauvoir:

This is the advent of the patriarchal family founded on private property.  In such a family woman is oppressed.  Man reigning sovereign permits himself, among other things, his sexual whims: he sleeps with slaves or courtesans, he is polygamous.  As soon as customs make reciprocity possible, woman takes revenge through infidelity: adultery becomes a natural part of marriage.  This is the only defense woman has against the domestic slavery she is bound to; her social oppression is the consequence of her economic oppression.


Note: a semicolon added ten words from the end of the quote for clarity.

[8]           Here is how secular feminist leader, Kate Millett put it:

A sexual revolution begins with the emancipation of women, who are the chief victims of patriarchy ….

Words of Kate Millett, found here: Read more at:

[9]           Here is how the secular feminist, Bell Hooks, stringed together a risible series of adjectives to characterize men, including that they are terrorists:


Often in my lectures when I use the phrase “an imperialist, white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy” to describe our nation’s political system, audiences laugh.  No one has ever explained why accurately naming this system is funny.  The laughter is itself a weapon of patriarchal terrorism.

Quote from bell hooks, found here: (emphasis added).

Note: Bell Hooks is a woman who employed the gimmick of spelling her name without initial capital letters.


[10]         For example, secular feminist leader, Andrea Dworkin, announced this violent day-dream:


I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.


Quoted from:

[11]         Here is one way that s
ecular feminist leader, Simone De Beauvoir, emphasized the “downtrodden state of women”:

This is the advent of the patriarchal family founded on private property.  In such a family woman is oppressed.  Man reigning sovereign permits himself, among other things, his sexual whims: he sleeps with slaves or courtesans, he is polygamous.  As soon as customs make reciprocity possible, woman takes revenge through infidelity: adultery becomes a natural part of marriage.  This is the only defense woman has against the domestic slavery she is bound to; her social oppression is the consequence of her economic oppression.


The Second Sex, Simone De Beauvoir, Vintage Books, New York, pages 88-89 (Note: a semicolon added ten words from the end of the quote for clarity).

[12]         Starhawk, who is a feminist leader and a practicing witch, teaches in one of her books:

The symbolism of the Goddess is not a parallel structure to the symbolism of God the Father.  The Goddess does not rule the world; She is the world ….  The importance of the Goddess symbol for women cannot be over-stressed.  The image of the Goddess inspires women to see ourselves as divine, our bodies as sacred, the changing phases of our lives as holy, our aggression as healthy, and our anger as purifying.  Through the Goddess, we can discover our strength, enlighten our minds, own our bodies, and celebrate our emotions.


Starhawk, The Spiral Dance, (Harper & Row, 1989), pp. 23-24, as quoted here:


[13]         Here is how secular feminist, Sheila Jeffreys, phrased this feminist goal:

[G]ender can have no place in the egalitarian future that feminism aims to create.

― Sheila Jeffreys, Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism, found here:

[14]         Here is how secular feminist, Sheila Jeffreys, phrased this feminist goal:

Feminist social constructionists understand the task of feminism to be the destruction and elimination of what have been called “sex roles” and are now more usually called “gender”.

― Sheila Jeffreys, Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices in the West, found here: