The False Principle of “Diversity and Inclusion”

Catholic Candle note concerning the article below: We see many examples in current society of deemphasizing merit, accomplishment, and virtue, and focusing instead on a person’s status.  For example, in many places in the Western Hemisphere, the traditional holiday dedicated to the great man, Christopher Columbus[1] (October 12th, Columbus Day) was changed to “Indigenous People’s Day”.[2]  This new holiday “honors” native Americans – not for history-changing accomplishments of daring and success, but for happening to live and breathe in the Western Hemisphere.  

One of the ways that the Marxists are weakening society is through pushing “diversity and inclusion”.  That is, instead of individual merit being the criteria for selecting personnel (e.g., in a hiring decision), the decision is made based on how “different” someone is.  This is irrational!  This false principle of “diversity and inclusion” serves two Marxist goals:

  1. to cause disharmony and discontent between groups in society[3]; and
  2. to weaken society’s institutions by causing the hiring and promotion of less-qualified persons because they belong to a favored group.

Below, we examine this evil practice.

However, please note the scope of the article below: it addresses the irrational idea that it is better for an organization to hire people because they are different, e.g., because of their differences in race, their “lifestyles” of unnatural impurity, their delusions that they are “non-binary” (belong to neither gender) or some other difference.

The article below does not address certain other, related issues, such as so-called “affirmative action”, viz., the irrational and unjust practice of showing undeserved favoritism to one member of a group (e.g., a racial group) based on real (or supposed) past mistreatment of an unrelated member of that same group.  A further evil consequence of “affirmative action” is that giving one person undeserved favoritism requires that another person is undeservedly disfavored.

Another related topic not covered in the article below, is how making personnel selection decisions based on “diversity and inclusion” (or “affirmative action”) harms the characters of the persons receiving the advantages.

The False Principle of “Diversity and Inclusion” –

A Favorite Tool of the Marxists

Modern liberal society preaches tolerance, liberty, diversity, and inclusion.  But no one is more intolerant than a liberal who is in control, e.g.:  

  • In the name of tolerance, liberals are intolerant of those who are anti-liberal.  

  • In the name of liberty, liberals are intolerant of those who want to exercise their own liberty to live according to the Traditional Moral Law and who adhere to (and promote) an anti-liberal philosophy.  

  • In the name of diversity, liberals demand uniformity in accepting immoral “lifestyles”.

  • In the name of inclusion, liberals oppress and exclude those who don’t accept perversities against nature and other liberal “dogmas”.

In summary, liberals demand intolerance toward (and exclusion of) those who adhere to the Natural Law and the Traditional Catholic Faith and Morality which built Christendom and Western Civilization.

The preachers of “diversity and inclusion” use deceptive “studies” to promote their false “gospel”.  For example, they (deceptively) purport to correlate a society’s economic resilience with whether that society is “inclusive” of persons living “lifestyles” of unnatural vice.[4]  But their “studies” carefully use selection bias.  That is, the “studies” use cities which are “inclusive” of persons who demand public acceptance of their gross unnatural vice, and compare those cities to other cities such as in Iran, Morocco, Qatar, Indonesia, and Belarus where the government attempts to suppress such wicked conduct.  The result-oriented conclusion asserted by the authors of such “studies” is that cities which are “inclusive” are more economically resilient.  

But such “studies” are deceptive and are designed to fool the intellectually lazy and the gullible.  Those studies largely contrast cities which are located within the economies of the fully-developed Western World where there is a consistent history of peace and the rule of law, with cities located in economically less-developed non-Western countries in unstable parts of the world.

Such “studies” promote gross immorality and serve to (more-fully) fulfill Communist Goals #25 & #-26 (of 45 total goals) as read into the U.S. Congressional Record in 1963:

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural, and healthy.[5]

Diversity and Inclusion as Broader Tools of the Marxists’ War on Western Civilization

The Marxists make broader use of their evil diversity and inclusion “gospel” beyond their attempt to ruin society by promoting unnatural impurity.

Again, as Pope Pius XI warned, the “preachers of Communism are proficient in exploiting racial antagonisms, political divisions, and oppositions.”[6] 

The Marxists seek to create mutual antagonism between different groups and to deemphasize truth and the common good.[7]  Marxists use diversity and inclusion to promote “identity politics”, i.e., the group to which you belong determines the outcome you receive, rather than your personal merits and ability or your virtuous character.  Under a regime of diversity and inclusion, what matters most is that you belong to a favored group.  So, for example, a person is hired or is promoted to a business, academic, or political position because he (she) is of a “diverse” race or gender.

Of course, this emphasis on “diversity” always seems to go only in one direction: away from white men.  An organization is never attacked or criticized for having such a large number of blacks or women so that “diversity” would involve making extra efforts to hire white men.

Through diversity and inclusion initiatives, Marxists promote self-interest, social disunity, and the disintegration of society.  Such Communist initiatives and goals are exactly the opposite of what good men would do.  As Pope Pius XI teaches, good men should strive to abolish class conflict and produce harmony and cooperation between men – a goal directly opposed to communism’s goal.[8] 

Pope Pius XI adds (in another place) that not only do Communists seek to increase hostility between the groups of society, but they attack and seek to annihilate anyone who seeks harmony between those groups.[9]

Marxists have succeeded in obtaining the Western World’s acceptance of their diversity and inclusion rules.  Western society has largely accepted the credo that a person being part of a favored group is what is necessary to qualify that person for a job, academic opening, or political appointment.  

The truth is that qualification for such jobs, openings, or appointments should be based on the individual’s intellect, talent, and experience.  Qualification for such employment should not be based on diversity and inclusion – that is, based on a person being unlike others who have successfully held that particular job or position in the past.  

Instead, a person’s qualifications should be based on being similar to those who previously exhibited the qualities which have brought success in the position.  Thus, in today’s irrational society, a person is recommended for a job because of being a “diverse individual”.  The recommendation should really go to a person not because of being diverse but rather for having abilities and qualifications similar to prior successful holders of the job or office.

The strength of a family, of a business, or of a nation is in its unity of culture and morals, and in its like-mindedness.

A Family’s Strength.

A family is strong to the extent that its culture, e.g., its music and literature, is the same.  It must have the same language for ready communication with each other.  The family must have the same moral principles and hold in common the same ideas of truth and virtue, in order that their goals are the same, as well as their means of achieving these goals.

A family is strong when it has bonds of friendship and love between its members.  As the proverb states: “charity begins at home”.

A family is strong when its members have a spirit of sacrifice for one another and are willing to place the interests of the whole group and other members of the group above their own interests.

A family needs a strong, self-sacrificing head, clearly and prudently exercising authority.  He must direct his family for the glory of God and the good of the whole family, rather than for his own benefit.

The Strength of a Business (or other Organization).

Like a family, a business is stronger and more unified to the extent that its workers have the same (correct) moral principles and hold in common the same (correct) ideas of truth and virtue, so that their goals are the same as well as their means of achieving these goals.

In our pagan society, it is often stated that a business’s primary goal is to increase the value of the business for the shareholders.  That is false.  Everything we do must first of all serve God.  

The business leader’s most important goal should not be to make money, just as the family leader’s most important goal should not be to increase the financial assets of the family.  

In other words, the members of a business, like the members of a family, should realize that a business is not merely an economic relationship but is a human association with other men also created by God, for His glory and for mutual assistance.

Thus, the primary goal of a business (just like every part of our life) is to serve God.  In the case of a business, the goal is to serve God through the business.

A business’s strength is like a family’s strength.  Like a family, the workers in the business should have in common the bonds of culture, e.g., music, literature, etc.  Thus, if a group of white men are in business together and they hire a black man, it should not be because they “need” a black man to signal their “diversity and inclusion”, but rather because they think he is likeminded and shares their culture and virtue.  In other words, they should hire him because he is the same, not because he is different.  His skin color – which is irrelevant – simply happens to be black.

The members of the business should have the same language to enable them to readily communicate with each other.  Such communication is essential for a bond of friendship and charity between them.

A business is strong when its workers have a spirit of sacrifice for one another and are willing to place the interests of the whole group and other members of the group above their own interests.

A business needs a strong, self-sacrificing head, clearly and prudently exercising authority.  He must direct the business for the glory of God and the good of the whole enterprise.

A business leader should be a father to his workers and should have care for their well-being.  He should not put them in moral danger because of their responsibilities at work or because of the atmosphere of the workplace.  He has a duty to do what he can to influence his workers for their eternal good.

Just as the head of the business should be a father to his workers, a business should not necessarily cast-off workers simply because they lose the ability to contribute to the organization’s economic success.  The business and its leader should act patiently and forbearingly with the problems and difficulties of their workers, like a father with his son.

Correspondingly, like the members of a family, workers at a business should respond patiently and forbearingly with the hardships experienced by the business.  Just as a family member should not “bail out of” (i.e., leave) the family as soon as he finds a “better deal” than what he receives in his family, likewise, a worker should not readily switch jobs simply because he found a “better deal”.

A business is stronger and more unified when it has bonds between its workers of friendship and mutual charity.  As with a family, “charity begins at home”.  That is, workers should especially practice fraternal charity toward one another.

In the above analysis of how a business (or other organization) should be operated, a person might suppose that it is an impossible fantasy, just as one might suppose that such a family is likewise impossible to achieve.  However, the goals outlined above are the goals that a family and business must have, according to nature, reason, and basic morality.  Further, a business can more readily achieve these goals if it is small, with carefully chosen members/workers.

A Nation’s Strength.

Like a family or a business, a nation is stronger and more unified[10] to the extent that its citizens have the same (correct) moral principles and hold in common the same (correct) ideas of truth and virtue, so that their goals are the same as well as their means of achieving these goals.[11]  In other words, a nation’s “pluralism” and “diversity” are not goals but rather are handicaps and problems.

In our pagan society, it is often stated that the government’s primary goal should be to promote economic prosperity.  That is false.  Everything a government (and its citizens) does should first of all serve God.  

The most important goal of a nation’s leader should not be to promote economic prosperity, any more than the family leader’s most important goal should be increasing the financial assets of the family.  

In other words, the citizens and leaders of a nation, like the members of a family, should realize that a nation is not merely an economic relationship but is a human association with other men also created by God, for His glory and for mutual assistance.

Thus, the primary goal of a nation (just like every part of our life) is to serve God.  In the case of a nation, the goal is to serve God collectively, as citizens and leaders of a nation.

A nation’s strength is like a family’s strength.  Like a family, the nation’s citizens should share the bonds of culture, e.g., music, literature, etc.  The nation’s citizens should have the same language to enable them to readily communicate with each other.  Such communication is essential for a bond of friendship and charity between citizens.

A nation is strong when its citizens have a spirit of sacrifice for one another and are willing to place the interests of the nation and the other citizens above their own interests.

A nation needs a strong, self-sacrificing head, clearly and prudently exercising authority.  He must lead the nation for the glory of God and the good of the whole nation.

A nation’s leader should be a father to his people and should have care for their well-being.  He should not put them in moral danger because of their life in society.  In fact, just as is true of the father of a family, a nation’s leader must give highest priority to the spiritual good of his people.[12]

Just as the nation’s leader should be a father to his people, a nation should not necessarily cast-off citizens simply because they no-longer contribute to the nation’s economic success.  We should remember that a nation’s most important goals are spiritual.  The nation and its leader should act patiently and forbearingly with the problems and difficulties of their citizens.

Correspondingly, like the members of a family, citizens should respond patiently and forbearingly with the hardships experienced by the nation.  Just as a member of a family should not “bail out of” (i.e., leave) a family as soon as he finds a “better deal” than he receives in his family, likewise, a citizen should not readily expatriate simply because he found a “better deal”.

A nation is stronger and more unified when it has bonds between its citizens of friendship and mutual charity.  As with a family, “charity begins at home”.  That is, citizens should especially practice fraternal charity toward one another.

In the above analysis of how a nation should be operated, a person might suppose that it is an impossible fantasy, just as one might suppose that such a family is likewise impossible to achieve.  However, the goals outlined above are the goals that a family and a nation must have, according to nature, reason, and basic morality.  Further, a nation can more readily achieve these goals if it is small, with a carefully chosen, united citizenry.


The promotion of “diversity and inclusion” is irrational and is a Marxist tool which seeks to weaken the Western World and promote strife between groups.  Instead of “diversity and inclusion”, all good men should promote assimilation and unity in the Truth and in the Good.

[1]          For a sketch of the greatness of Christopher Columbus, read Latin America: A Sketch of its Glorious Catholic Roots and a Snapshot of its Present, by the Editors of Quanta Cura Press, pp.4-6, © 2016.

[2]          See, e.g.,

[3]          Pope Pius XI warned that:

[The] preachers of Communism are proficient in exploiting racial antagonisms, political divisions, and oppositions.  

Quoted from: Divini Redemptoris – On Atheistic Communism, by Pope Pius XI, 1937, paragraph 15.  Note, as quoted here, we remove the word “also” before the word “proficient”, because the other exploitations to which the pope refers are not part of the quote we give here.

[5]          Quoted from the Congressional Record – Appendix, pp. A34-A35, Current Communist Goals, Extension of Remarks of Hon. A. S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida in the House of Representatives, Thursday, January 10, 1963.

[6]          Divini Redemptoris – On Atheistic Communism, by Pope Pius XI, 1937, paragraph 15.  Note, as quoted here, we remove the word “also” before the word “proficient”, because the other exploitations to which the pope refers are not part of the quote we give here.

[7]          Here is one way Marx explained his teaching:

“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society.  But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”  

Communist Manifesto, Chapter II (emphasis added).

[8]          Here is the pope’s longer teaching:

First and foremost, the State and every good citizen ought to look to and strive toward this end: that the conflict between the hostile classes be abolished and harmonious cooperation of the Industries and Professions be encouraged and promoted.

Quadragesimo Anno, by Pope Pius XI, 1931, paragraph 81.

[9]          Here is the pope’s longer teaching:

Insisting on the dialectical aspect of their materialism, the Communists claim that the conflict which carries the world towards its final synthesis can be accelerated by man.  Hence, they endeavor to sharpen the antagonisms which arise between the various classes of society.  Thus, the class struggle with its consequent violent hate and destruction takes on the aspects of a crusade for the progress of humanity.  On the other hand, all other forces whatever, as long as they resist such systematic violence, must be annihilated as hostile to the human race.

Divini Redemptoris – On Atheistic Communism, by Pope Pius XI, 1937, paragraph 9.

[10]          Here is how St. Thomas Aquinas, greatest Doctor of the Church, teaches this truth:

The welfare and safety of a multitude formed into a society lies in the preservation of its unity, which is called peace.

On Kingship, Bk. 1, c. 3.  

[11]          Here is how the great medieval Bible commentator, Fr. Cornelius a Lapide, explained the importance of a nation’s unity:

For unity imparts holiness to the mind, health to the body, peace and concord to countries and households, in short, all the virtue and strength of a nation arises out of its oneness with itself.  But division is the cause of discord, schism, war, and countless ills.

Fr. Cornelius a Lapide, Great Commentary on St. Luke, chapter 10, verse 42.

[12]          Here is how St. Thomas teaches this truth:

It belongs to … the function of the ruler to provide the good life for the many, in terms of what will obtain for them the beatitude of heaven”.  

On Kingship, Bk. 1, c. 15.